37 research outputs found

    Variable nitrogen and zinc nutrition effects on relative chlorophyll content of different maize genotypes

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    Effect of Nitrogen Deficiency and Fusarium Graminearum Infection on Relative Chlorophyll Content of Maize Seedlings

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    Nowadays the global climate change significantly affects the agricultural production due to different biotic and abiotic stresses. Phythopathogens, like fusarium, can cause serious injury which could be worsened by climatic conditions. The goal of our experiment was to examine the single and the combined effect of nitrogen (N) deprivation and Fusarium graminearum infection on the physiology of some maize genotypes. Furthermore, we would like to know the impact of the mentioned factors on the rate of nitrogen remobilization and relative chlorophyll content (SPAD value) of leaves with different ages. Controlled pot experiment was set up in a climate room, maize (Zea mays L.) genotypes were grown using hydroponic conditions. Inoculation of Fusarium graminearum conidia was performed as a biotic stress at 5-leaf (V5) stage of the seedlings and two N level were used during the experiment: optimal N and a quarter of it from the beginning. Our results suggest that N deprivation influenced the SPAD values regardless of the age of leaves and genotype. Strong interaction was found between infection and N level in case of the younger leaves. In these leaves the relative chlorophyll content was significantly decreased due to inoculation, but just at optimal N level

    Effect of nitrogen deficiency and fusarium graminearum infection on relative chlorophyll content of maize seedlings

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    Nowadays the global climate change significantly affects the agricultural production due to different biotic and abiotic stresses. Phythopathogens, like fusarium, can cause serious injury which could be worsened by climatic conditions. The goal of our experiment was to examine the single and the combined effect of nitrogen (N) deprivation and Fusarium graminearum infection on the physiology of some maize genotypes. Furthermore, we would like to know the impact of the mentioned factors on the rate of nitrogen remobilization and relative chlorophyll content (SPAD value) of leaves with different ages. Controlled pot experiment was set up in a climate room, maize (Zea mays L.) genotypes were grown using hydroponic conditions. Inoculation of Fusarium graminearum conidia was performed as a biotic stress at 5-leaf (V5) stage of the seedlings and two N level were used during the experiment: optimal N and a quarter of it from the beginning. Our results suggest that N deprivation influenced the SPAD values regardless of the age of leaves and genotype. Strong interaction was found between infection and N level in case of the younger leaves. In these leaves the relative chlorophyll content was significantly decreased due to inoculation, but just at optimal N level

    Localization Network and End-to-End Cascaded U-Nets for Kidney Tumor Segmentation

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    Kidney tumor segmentation emerges as a new frontier of computer vision in medical imaging. This is partly due to its challenging manual annotation and great medical impact. Within the scope of the Kidney Tumor Segmentation Challenge 2019, that is aiming at combined kidney and tumor segmentation, this work proposes a novel combination of 3D U-Nets—collectively denoted TuNet—utilizing the resulting kidney masks for the consecutive tumor segmentation. The proposed method achieves a Sørensen-Dice coefficient score of 0.902 for the kidney, and 0.408 for the tumor segmentation, computed from a five-fold cross-validation on the 210 patients available in the data

    A quantum‐chemical perspective on the laser‐induced alignment and orientation dynamics of the CH 3 X (X = F, Cl, Br, I) molecules

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    Motivated by recent experiments, the laser‐induced alignment‐and‐orientation (A&O) dynamics of the prolate symmetric top CH(3)X (X = F, Cl, Br, I) molecules is investigated, with particular emphasis on the effect of halogen substitution on the rotational constants, dipole moments, and polarizabilities of these species, as these quantities determine the A&O dynamics. Insight into possible control schemes for preferred A&O dynamics of halogenated molecules and best practices for A&O simulations are provided, as well. It is shown that for accurate A&O ‐dynamics simulations it is necessary to employ large basis sets and high levels of electron correlation when computing the rotational constants, dipole moments, and polarizabilities. The benchmark‐quality values of these molecular parameters, corresponding to the equilibrium, as well as the vibrationally averaged structures are obtained with the help of the focal‐point analysis (FPA) technique and explicit electronic‐structure computations utilizing the gold‐standard CCSD(T) approach, basis sets up to quintuple‐zeta quality, core‐correlation contributions and, in particular, relativistic effects for CH(3)Br and CH(3)I. It is shown that the different A&O behavior of the CH(3)X molecules in the optical regime is mostly caused by the differences in their polarizability anisotropy, in other terms, the size of the halogen atom. In contrast, the A&O dynamics of the CH(3)X series induced by an intense few‐cycle THz pulse is mostly governed by changes in the rotational constants, due to the similar dipole moments of the CH(3)X molecules. The A&O dynamics is most sensitive to the B rotational constant: even the difference between its equilibrium and vibrationally‐averaged values results in noticeably different A&O dynamics. The contribution of rotational states having different symmetry, weighted by nuclear‐spin statistics, to the A&O dynamics is also studied

    Wheat genotypes under reduced nitrogen supply: changes in chlorophyll fluorescence parameters

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    Napjainkban a mezőgazdaságnak az egyik legnehezebb feladata, hogy a fenntartható gazdálkodás elveinek megfeleljen. A gyakorlatban ez azt jelenti, hogy a tartósan növekvő mennyiségi és minőségi igényeket úgy kell kielégítenünk, hogy megfeleljünk az egyre szigorúbb környezetvédelmi szabályoknak valamint a termelés minden esetben haszonnal kell, hogy társuljon. Tovább nehezíti a helyzetünket, hogy a termelésre alkalmas földterület mérete nem növekszik.Ugyancsak tény, hogy napjaink mezőgazdaságának az egyik legjelentősebb költségét a műtrágyázás jelenti. Ezen okokalapján a kutatásunk során azt a célt tűztük ki, hogy olyan őszi búza genotípusokat kutassunk fel melyek, csökkentett nitrogén ellátás mellett is aktív fotoszintézisre, így megfelelő szárazanyag produkcióra képesek. A kísérlet során 31 genotípust vizsgáltunk, eltérő mennyiségű nitrogén (N) ellátás mellett (optimális és annak ¼ része). A növényeket kontrollált feltételek között, klímaszobában neveltük. Az adatgyűjtés során vizsgáltuk az egyedek hajtásszámát, a hajtás- illetve gyökér szárazanyagtartalmának tömegét és arányát.A fotokémiai aktivitás értékeit klorofill fluoreszcencia indukció módszerrel vizsgáltuk. Mértük az indukciós görbe gyors szakaszának a paramétereit, így az optimális fotokémiai aktivitást (Fv/Fm), a változó (Fm) és az alap (Fo) fluoreszcencia értékét is. Továbbá magas fényintenzitás (1600 molm-2s-1) mellett mértük az indukciós görbe lassú szakaszában meghatározható indikátorait is. Így az elektron-transzport rátát (ETR), a nem-fotokémiai kioltó folyamatok arányát jellemző NPQ értéket, a vitalitási indexet (RFD), az aktuális fotokémiai aktivitást (Yield), az Fo/Fo’ és az 1-qP/NPQ arányokat. Eredményeink szerint néhány vizsgált genotípus a nagymértékben csökkentett nitrogén ellátás mellett is az optimálishoz hasonló fotokémia aktivitással bír. A kisebb nitrogén mennyiség mellett is aktív fotoszintézissel jellemezhető genotípusok egy újabb nemesítési irányt jelenthetnek.MSc/MAAgrármérnöki MS